Ensure you can access the Forms section and the necessary permissions to create or edit forms.
In Rehab Guru, you can embed files directly into a client’s treatment notes by customising forms. This feature is useful for attaching documents like reports or consent forms to a client's case. Follow these steps to set it up.
Step 1: Cloning and Editing a Form
Navigate to Account>Forms.
You can create a new form from scratch by clicking Add Template, or you can clone of Rehab Guru's sample forms.
To clone a Sample Form click Clone. The cloned form will now appear in your list of forms.
Cloning a sample form to use for customisation
Select the cloned form and click Edit to customise it.
Editing the cloned form to customise fields for file upload
Step 2: Adding a File Upload Field
In the form editor, you can add a new entry where you would like to embed file uploads. For example, you may want to upload a file at the beginning of the treatment note.
Create a new line, give it an appropriate title (e.g., File Upload), and change the Field Type to File.
Adding a file upload field to the form for embedding files in treatment notes
This will place a file uploader in the treatment notes wherever you need it. You can repeat this process for other sections, such as for adding investigation reports (e.g., X-rays) or consent forms.
Once you’ve added the necessary file upload fields, click Save to update the form.
Step 3: Using the Form in Treatment Notes
To use the customised form, navigate to the Clients page and select the client you want to create a treatment note for.
Click View, then select New Treatment Note.
Creating a new treatment note using the customised form
Choose the form you customised (e.g., New Patient Assessment) from the available forms.
You will see the file upload fields you added to the form. To upload a file, click on Upload One or More Files, select the file from your device, and click Open.
Uploading files directly into the treatment note using the file upload fields
The file will now be embedded within the treatment note, and you can save the note with the attached file.
Following these steps, you can easily embed files into a client’s treatment notes, ensuring that important documents like investigation reports or consent forms are stored alongside the relevant client data.