Rehab Guru provides an option to configure auto logout after a set period of inactivity. This feature ensures that your account remains secure, especially on shared devices. Follow these steps to set up or disable auto-logout.
Configuring Auto Logout for Your Team
Navigate to the Account page and select Preferences from the menu.
βAccessing the Preferences page to configure auto logout
Disabling Auto Logout
If you prefer not to be logged out automatically after periods of inactivity, simply deselect the Auto Logoff option.
Click Update Preferences and Settings to save the updated configuration.
Disabling auto logout may increase the risk of unauthorised access, particularly on shared devices. For added security, it is recommended that this feature be kept enabled.
By configuring the auto logout settings, you can manage your account's security by automatically logging out after a set period of inactivity or disabling this feature as needed.