Ensure that you are familiar with adding exercises to your basket/collection and have exercises prepared for use in a template.
In Rehab Guru, you can create custom exercise templates by saving your collection of exercises and updating existing templates. Follow the steps below to create, manage, and update your templates.
Step 1: Adding Exercises to Your Collection
Begin by adding the exercises you want to include in your template. You can do this by:
Adding exercises from the Rehab Guru Library.
Using exercises that you have created yourself.
Adding exercises from existing templates.
Adding exercises to your basket/collection from the library or templates
Once you have added all the necessary exercises and configured the parameters, you're ready to save them as a template.
Step 2: Saving Your Collection as a Template
Navigate to the Publish page.
Scroll down to the Save Collection section.
Navigating to the Save Collection section to create a new template
Click on the blue Save as Template button.
Enter a meaningful name for the template that will help you identify it later.
Naming the template before saving it
Once the name is entered, click Save to create the template.
Step 3: Updating an Existing Template
If you wish to update an existing template, navigate to your saved templates list on the Templates page.
You can either scroll through the list or use the search function to find the template you want to update.
Once located, click on Load this will load all the exercises into your collection.
Make any changes you wish to make to the exercise programme.
Navigate to the publish page and select Update Template
Choose the same template that you loaded.
Click Save.
Updating an existing template from your saved templates list
By following these steps, you can easily create, update, and manage exercise templates in Rehab Guru, ensuring your clients receive the most tailored exercise programmes.