Changes to Default Client Reporting

Important Patient Outcome Changes

From the 1st Oct 2021 Rehab Guru will no longer request pain and wellness settings on programmes sent from the web app by default. To gather reporting data from clients you will be required to configure client reporting section on the Rehab Guru Web App / Mobile App, to find out how to do this, click here

What has changed?

Historically, clients would be asked to input their pain and wellness scores when performing their exercise programme using the Rehab Guru Client app. If the client was following the programme using the client portal on the web (, then they didn't have the ability to record anything. 

This approach limited the options for gathering reporting data and prevented the clinician from choosing what to measure, when they want to measure it. In order to offer a powerful and flexible solution, Rehab Guru have created new features to allow you to choose what reporting data you would like to collect and when they should be collected.

These features come with a huge amount of flexibility and this page is dedicated to ensure the changes are both understood and what changes you need to make to your exercise prescription workflow to gather the data you need. 

What do I need to do?

Follow these steps to ensure you're fully up to date:

  1. Read the help articles on Configuring Reporting Settings and Configuring Reporting Settings on Mobile
  2. Ensure you and your clients are using the latest version of the Rehab Guru Pro and Rehab Guru Client apps on your smart devices. See the help article Keeping Mobile Apps Updated.
  3. Review the updated Smart Client Portal article to make yourself aware of the powerful new features available on web and mobile. 

App Updates

Web App (Therapist)

You can read about how to configure the reporting setting on the web app here. There is no need to do anything to update the Web App, simply follow the instructions for the configuration of the reporting article

Web App (Client)

Your clients will continue to be able to simply click a link in the email they receive and view their programme quickly and easily. If you have configured reporting settings on the programme then your client will be given appropriate prompts to enter data in accordance with the reporting settings (i.e. before the session, after each exercise etc etc). Below is an image to show how this looks from a clients perspective. 

Programmes that have settings configured will display a Start Session button.

Appropriate prompts are displayed to guide your client through their programme.

Feedback windows popup for completion. 

Rehab Guru Pro (Mobile)

The new client reporting settings are available in Rehab Guru Pro version 5.0 or greater. You can check the app version you are using by navigating to the App Store and searching for Rehab Guru Pro. This will give you the option to update if you do not have the latest version installed on your device. 

The new reporting settings function in the same way as the Web App and further detail can be found in the help article Configuring Reporting Settings on Rehab Guru Pro (Mobile).

Rehab Guru Client

The Rehab Guru Client app update has been available in the AppStores since March 21 so should be installed on most clients devices. Version 3.0.3 or greater is the version that is required to allow the new client reporting features. The app can be updated by visiting the App Store, searching for Rehab Guru Client and then tapping update.

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