How to Add Cases to Existing Treatment Notes, Forms, or Programmes

Welcome to our Rehab Guru guide on seamlessly adding cases to your existing treatment notes, forms, or exercise programmes.

Navigating to the Client’s Page

Start by going to the client's page. Here, you can view existing clients, their treatment notes, and any forms you might have previously filled out.

Creating and Attaching Cases

While creating new notes or forms or when sending exercise programmes, you can attach a case to them. This is clearly visible in the client's profile, where existing cases, including both closed and active cases, are listed.

Managing Client Cases

To manage client cases, simply select the three dots next to the notes you wish to manage. You'll have the option to attach these to an existing case or create a new one right there.

Attaching Notes to Cases

After selecting or creating a case, hit the blue button to attach the note to the specific case – such as an 'ankle' case. This enables a streamlined search for notes associated with that particular case.

Applying to Forms and Prescriptions

The same process applies to forms and past prescriptions. For any prescription, use the three dots to manage and attach the prescription to an existing or new case, helping you filter and organise your documentation effectively.

By following these steps, you can ensure all relevant information is organised under the appropriate cases for efficient management and retrieval. We hope you find this feature beneficial in enhancing your experience with Rehab Guru.

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