Integrate with HubSpot

Rehab Guru offers you the capability to search HubSpot contacts and import them as Rehab Guru Clients, all from within Rehab Guru's publish page.

To use this integration you will need your HubSpot API key, Account ID and Owner ID, instructions on how to find these are below:

How to find your HubSpot API Key

1. Login to your HubSpot account

2. Navigate: Settings > Integrations > Show API Key

How to find your HubSpot Account ID

The Hubspot Account ID can be found by clicking on the dropdown menu at the top right of the Hubspot dashboard. Your account ID is found on the account selection section - see image below. 

How to find your HubSpot Owner ID

The easiest way to find a list of HubSpot OwnerID on your account is to use a web browser pointed to the following web address, replacing the <API_KEY> section with your own API Key.<API_KEY>

The results on this page may seem a little confusing, however you are only interested in the OwnerID for the user you wish to add to Rehab Guru. The easiest way to find this is to use the browsers search function (Ctrl + F on Windows, CMD+ F on Mac). Notice that the ownerId is included twice for each user, they are the same identifier so either one can be copied.

Connecting Rehab Guru to HubSpot

Now you have your API Key and OwnerID noted down, you're ready to connected Rehab Guru to HubSpot. To do this navigate to Account > Integrations and click on the Connect button opposite the HubSpot logo. 

Enter your API Key and OwnerID and click OK

You will be given a confirmation once connected.

Importing contacts from HubSpot

1. On the publish page, search for a contact in HubSpot using the Import from HubSpot search tool. 

2. Click on the results to import the contact as a Rehab Guru client. 

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